
Best Ranking on Performance of Most Affected 25 Countries Against COVID-19

                    Corona Virus &  COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) .It is an infectious disease which was first identified in Wuhan,China in December 2019 .It has been spread very rapidly all over the world and been called as Pandemic by WHO .It is increasing alarmingly and contaminated the every country around the globe. It is very infectious and can be transmitted to many persons from single infected individual.This virus is cosmopolitan so can be found in air,water and on land also.It has been found that,it has not been stopped by any environmental conditions i.e.; it has been spread in hotter climatic desert countries to highly cold countries. It has affected nearly all countries in this world and the number of affected cases has crossed 1 Crore on mid night of 28 June 2020. The virus has aff...

FIFA Football Greatest Team (Xl) Of All Time

Let's switch from India's most popular sport Cricket to World's most popular sport FOOTBALL .This game is played by over 250 million players in over 200 countries and has highest television audience in sports.The game has seen lots of legends,some are still active and else retired. Image Source-Google|Image by-GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP via Getty Images It's very difficult to make All Time Greatest Playing Xl when you have hundreds of legends of the game,it's like separating salt from flour in flour salt mixture. Although it is very interesting to pick the Greatest Xl of All Time because you have got lots of legends and you have to pick the best Xl and some of the legends can be picked as substitute players. So let's start with bang............ But before picking up the team you have to be clear that what type of team you are planning??? what will be the formation of the team on pitch???? So that you can select the players accordin...