About Us

About Blog  :- 

This blog will provide authentic and true information about the best like -:

1.Sports like Cricket, Football, Badminton,Chess etc.
2.Education like Govt. & Pvt. Medical & Engineering Colleges with fees structure & placements.
3.Best Movies with my views.
4.Best Visiting Places in various parts of our Country.
5.Best Politicians with my views.
6.Ways to live life.
7.Ways to prevent diseases.
8.Best career options.

The content in this blog will be authentic and trusted as per my knowledge and it will help to increase interest, knowledge, it will provide entertainment and suitable information about career to be taken.

About Owner  :-

I am owner of this "Bests Of Best" blog & my name is Abhilash Mishra & I am the student of MBBS from TMC, Agartala. I am from Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India & I will make sure that the content of this blog is authentic and correct and will provide entertainment, knowledge to our viewers and readers.

Thank You......
Abhilash Mishra.

You can be in touch with me on......
